Day 21
My day is filled with sewage but before that happens I hold a press conference to outline my ideas for Edinburgh as a capital city. I know we do well as an international city and for residents but we haven’t yet rediscovered our role as a capital. You can read the speech on our website. I was joined on the platform by Sarah Boyak MSP (deputy communities minister) and Douglas Alexander MP (Secretary of State for Scotland). Nice to have a joined up local, Holyrood and Westminster moment...I had asked for a meeting with John Hargrieves, Chief Exec of Scottish Water after the horrendous spills into the Forth over the weekend. In the end I got a 30 minute phone call as he was still trying to get things sorted. There are some serious questions to be asked about this event and although it was a helpful phone call I will be calling for a full inquiry at the Council meeting on Thursday.In between this I and a small team worked on an event for Wednesday, I spent an hour at our campaign headquarters, met with the chief executive for our weekly meeting, fielded too many calls about sewage and then spent the evening at my local community council. Who says life in politics is boring!