Day 7
The phone calls start early as the campaign picks up. People checking in, asking for detailed information, wanting to make sure information is getting out to the membership. Theres teams out across the city knocking on doors and delivering leaflets. This campaign has already reached a new level of sophistication with leaflets being designed on almost a street by street basis. This election will be won and lost on local issues. Sure the big issue will matter but with 50% undecided, the swings will come on pavements, potholes and personal agendas. 4 different Edinburgh Evening News reporters ring me about 4 different subjects, though not all to do with the election. Its a sure sign they are on skeleton staff with a heavy deadline. I should just write the paper for them. I hit the phones in the evening. Its tough. I hate telephone canvassing but I cover a street in 45 minutes when it took me over 3 hours door to door to do a similar street last week. The results confirm our view that our vote hasn’t left us but its still not solidly with us. This is going to be a long three weeks .