Ewan's Blog - Councillor Ewan Aitken

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Skatepark at Inverleith Park

I was seriously skunnered by the decision last week of the planning committee to reject the application for a skatepark at Inverleith park. Whilst I accept that that is why we have a planning committee and that one of the good things about democracy is you don’t always get what you want, I do feel that young people, especially skateboarders, have been sold down the river by this whole saga. I was stunned to hear that some of the protesters were suggesting that there should be no skatepark in Edinburgh. Which planet do these people live on! Skate boarding far from being a magnet for antisocial behaviour etc., is one of the few effectively teenage peer policed activities around and it keeps it's participants fit. I am not a skate boarder. I would be far too scared to attempt what these guys attempt. Sadly, they will have less chance to do so in Edinburgh. The forces of reaction have asserted themselves and Edinburgh is the poorer for it

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