Ewan's Blog - Councillor Ewan Aitken

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Our Manifesto

Our manifesto is nearly finished but I have decided that, before we go public we should “road test” it six different community groups before its final publication and launch in March.

This is the first time that these kinds of groups, (the voluntary sector, young people, faith communities, students, environmental groups and the trade unions) will have had the opportunity to comment on and shape an Edinburgh Labour manifesto before publication.

I said I would try to involve more people in decisions about our priorities when I was elected leader and this is me trying to do what I promised I would do. I will have no control over who attends each of these events and I expect the conversations to be robust and frank, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. There is no point in trying to meet people's aspirations in a manifesto if you haven’t met them face to face in the first place

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